How to built and share a Custom Dictionary in the TVT Spelling Module

This article is about how to build a Custom Dictionary, and share it with other TVT users in your company.

Please note that the TVT Spelling Module is required for this function!

You can add words to your custom dictionary by clicking the "Add" Button in the Details Area while performing the spell check.


You can also go to the User Settings by clicking "Project" in the Menu Bar, then choosing "User Settings" or simply with the Shortcut "Ctrl+U"


There you will find the Tab for TVT Spelling​


Selecting "Edit" will allow you to Add or Delete Words to your Custom Dictionary


You can also Export your Custom Dictionary to share it e.g. with your co-workers, who can Import it into their TVT instance.


This will let you save a file with the extension "*.tvdict", which contains the Custom Dictionary


The dictionary can then be imported into other TVT instances. This way, everyone within the company can work using the same Custom Dictionary.

Please let us know if you need any more information on this topic.