How to check deviations in TVT

How to check and mark and comment deviations in TVT

After you compared your files in TVT, you will have the chance to mark and comment the deviations for later corrections


In the deviation list TVT will list all the differences it finds between the reference document and the copy file.

When you click on a deviation TVT will mark the characters in both documents in green

Pressing "Z" on your Keyboard (for "Zoom") will zoom in the content to 500%

In the lower right corner the detail area will give you the chance to examine the difference character per character, displaying each Unicode as well.

Underneath the detail area you will find the different types of deviations plus their respective number in this document. You can also see how many of them you already have processed.

By clicking on the different types of deviations, the deviation list will switch to display the respective differences found in the document

You can also switch between the different deviations in the wizard toolbar under "Check". 


This order of checks from top down in "Check" is also the recommended order 


Selecting a deviation in the deviation list and opening the context menu with the right mouse click will give you the following options to mark the deviation.


This will accept the deviation. nothing will be marked


Mark in Copy

This will mark the deviation in the copy


Mark in Original

This will mark the deviation in the original


Mark in both

this will mark the deviation in the original und copy document



This will reset a previous comment that you adapted.


All comments will appear in the respective exported documents.


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