How to create, save and load Exclusion Area Templates in TVT

This article is about the creation and usage of Exclusion Area templates in TVT.

If you have documents with re-occurring areas that should be excluded before comparison and have always the same size and location in each document, you can follow the steps below to create an Exclusion Area Template.

1. Create a TVT Project with the document(s) in question.


2. Once the files are loaded, select the Exclusion Area Mode, either from the Toolbar or the Wizard Toolbar, under Prepare. In this example we select it from the Toolbar.

3. Now you can create the Exclusion Areas needed for the documents.



NOTE: The Exclusion Area Templates contain the areas for either the original OR copy document.

If you want to create templates for both documents, and these have different layout, you need to create and save two separate template files.



4. Once the Exclusion Areas have been created as needed, you can save them as an Exclusion Area Template.

Open the Document Settings menu in the respective document toolbar.


Then select "Save Exclusion Template..."



The following window opens with the possibility to save the template in a repetitive pattern:


Confirming with OK will open a File Explorer Window to let you choose a location to save the template file.


The file name consists of the document file name with "_tvpt" for "Text Verification Project Template" appended to it.

The saved template can now be loaded and used for future projects.


5. Loading the Exclusion Area Template

Create the project, where you would like to use the Exclusion Area Template



Go to the Document Settings menu of the document where you need to load the template.

This time choose "Load Exclusion Template..."


A File Explorer window opens and let you search and choose the template file you would like to use


Confirming with "Open" will load and apply the Exclusion Area Template to the document


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