How to permanently customize the automated comments

The automated comments that appear when you mark a deviation, can be customized permanently.


If you just want to edit the automated comments individually this article is what you are looking for. 


After you compare a document, you may want to mark some deviations. 

Figure 1

These comments will appear in the annotated copy and in the report.

A permanent customization can be achieved from the User Settings

To permanently customize the automated comments:

    1. Open the User Settings in the Menu on the top left corner under "Project->User Settings" or with the shortcut "Ctrl+U"

    2. with the User settings window open, click on the Tab "Auto Comments"

    Here you can set up customized comments for each Deviation Type

    and for each Edit Action


    If we want to customize our automated comments for when we mark a deviation in the copy, we set up the menu like followed:

    Now we can change the automated comments in the "Default Text" window. Here %s1 is a placeholder for the text in the original, %s2 for the text in the copy. %sc is for the correction text and only used if you change the Deviation Type "Correction Applied", "Correction not Applied", "Correction Misapplied".


    In this example we change the automated comment as followed and press "Ok" to close the User Settings or "Apply" to continue editing:

    When we mark a deviation in copy, TVT will now apply our customized comment


    Customized comments can be exported as a file, that can be imported again by other users, so everyone works with the same set of comments.

    The customized comments can always be reset to the default setting by clicking the "Reset" button.



    If you need any more information on this topic, please contact us at: