How to use the Style Check function

To find the differences in the style of the fonts between two documents with TVT.

Documents typically go through intended changes before going to print. Some may be unintended.

It could be just a change in style. Or it could be a change affecting the quantity of a product, such as when a number is turned into superscript, or the other way around. In these cases we use the Simplified Style Check. This option also verifies changes in attribute, for example, from regular to bold, or from bold to italics, from regular to superscript or subscript. 

The Style Check is the last step in the document verification process.

To run the Style Check

  1. Go to Check > Check styles in the Wizard toolbar (1), or click the STL box (2) on the Status bar.

  2. Click "Automated Style Check".

  3. The Style Check and Style Conformity window will pop up. 
    Select Simplified, to verify changes in font weight, slope, underlining, strike-through, super- and subscript. Then press OK.

  4. Any changes ("Style transitions") detected will be marked automatically in the Project Window, as shown below:

    All checked Style Transitions will appear highlighted in olive green, both in the documents in TVT, as well in the annotated pdf file, and will be listed in the report.

    Those Style Annotations that are not marked, are neither highlighted, nor appear on the report.

  5. Go to the Details Area on the right to inspect further. Here you can selectively check or uncheck the displayed text.

  6. To customize the comments, double-click the comment field, enter your comment and hit the Enter key to confirm it.
  7. Once you have completed the Style Check, press OK on the left side of the Project window to to confirm it.  If you need to run it again, press Reset and then press "Automated Style Check" to start again, or choose a different type of Style Check.

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