How to map and unmap text

Manually map and unmap text after comparison

Text that could not be unequivocally matched, is left unmapped and highlighted in yellow after comparison.

You can use the Manual Map function to map areas of the document manually.

To map text that is not automatically mapped:

1) Select unmapped text in either the Original or Copy document by a right-mouse click while being in the Hand Mode. The selected text is highlighted in green. 

Alternatively, you can use the Select Mode and a left-mouse click, to select characters or words in TVT.

2) Select matching text in the corresponding document using either the Hand Mode or the Select Mode. Both words must be identical and unmapped, and, therefore, highlighted in yellow. 

3) Click on the "Manual Map" button in the toolbar or use the shortcut "m".

After pressing the Manual Map button, the identical areas around the marked words become a mapped text block.

Upon successful mapping, the yellow highlighting disappears, since mapped text doesn't have any background color. The mapped text is now checked for deviations.


To unmap text that is not mapped as expected:

1) Select a word in a mapped text area (the corresponding word in the other document will be selected automatically).

2) Click on the "Manual Unmap" button in the toolbar or use the shortcut "u".

The text area will become unmapped and will be highlighted in yellow.

You can now proceed and map the text as suitable and explained above.

Unmapping text is possible for both manually and automatically mapped text.

For unmapped text within tables, please read the following article:

How to work with the Table Mode

If you need more information on mapping and unmapping, please contact us at: