How to Use Document Dividers

This feature can be used to exclude large parts of a document from the comparison.

The plainest way to explain this function is using the image of a pair of scissors with which the user cuts a document into multiple parts. Then every second part is removed from the comparison.

The Document Divider mode is especially useful if you want to compare part of a large document with a small one, e.g. the leaflet part of a submission with the leaflet artwork.

To use Document Dividers, please follow these steps directly after the documents have been loaded:

  1. Activate the Document Divider mode in the mode toolbar. This tool is always available, but only functional before the comparison has been run – see below.

  2. Locate the beginning of the text to be excluded.
  3. Perform a double left-click in the document above the text. The following changes occur in the document:
    1. A black line – the document divider – is inserted at the click position.
    2. All Document Dividers are numbered, starting with index 1, and state whether the text that follows is excluded or included.
    3. The text below the document divider is highlighted in blue and will be excluded from the comparison. The exclusion area also extends to the following pages.
    4. Likewise all image areas below the document divider are hidden, so that they neither show up in the image list nor are highlighted in the document windows.

  4. Locate the end of the text to be excluded and perform a left double-click between it and the text that follows. The following changes occur in the document:
    1. A new Document Divider is inserted at this position.
    2. The divider number is increased.
    3. The text below the Document Divider is highlighted in dark orange, which means it is recognized as text and will be included.
    4. Previously hidden image areas below the divider reappear in the image list and the document windows.

Of course, more than one part of each document can be excluded from the comparison by repeating this method. If you have accidentally placed a Document Divider at a wrong position, you can remove it by right clicking on it, then selecting “Delete” from its context menu.

Document Dividers can only divide a document horizontally. They are not suitable for use with text that is laid out in columns. 

If it is not possible to mark text for exclusion from the comparison process using Document Dividers, the text can be marked using the Exclusion Area function. Exclusion areas can be used as an alternative or as a supplement to Document Dividers.

It is possible to place Document Dividers after the documents have been compared. Such Document Dividers do not exclude or include following text and image areas as described above. Instead they initially have no effect and show up as black lines labeled “not yet applied”.

This changes when the project comparison is reset. Upon reset, such Document Dividers become active as if they had been placed before comparison, and exclude or include the following text and image areas.

Placing Document Dividers in already compared documents (and then resetting) can be convenient when you have difficulty figuring out where you should place Document Dividers. It can be much easier to see which parts of your documents should be excluded after a first tentative comparison.