How to detect deviations automatically on full image pairs

With the Artwork module you can detect deviations automatically in image pairs

TVT Artwork enables you to compare and check deviations between files where at least one of them is a file with no selectable text after loading. Such files will not be marked in orange

In these cases, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Wizard Toolbar, go to "Prepare -> Create Full Page Image Pairs"
  2. In the Project Area, right click on "Image Pair". Select "Image Comparison View"
  3. In the Image Comparison View, click on "Detect Deviations Automatically"
    Figure 1
  4. The deviations will be marked in green.
    Figure 2
  5. Use the tools in the Image Comparison View to go through the files.
    1. Slide from left (original or reference file) to right (copy file) with the Wipe slider to inspect the differences in your own pace.
    2. Blend in both image files to see the deviations overlapping
    3. the Blink tool will quickly switch between both image files. This helps spot the differences faster.
    4. the Difference tool will subtract the copy from the original or reference file. Only the differences will be shown. If none are found, the window will appear grey
  6. Once you have inspected the differences, hit close to go back to the Project Area to process the deviations. The deviations will appear below the Image Pair as Image Pair Children. On the files, the deviations will be enclosed in a dotted line box.
    Figure 3
  7. Process the deviations as usual. When you select an Image Pair Child to process, the selected deviation will appear in a green box on each file.
    Figure 4