How to use the Image Mode

Detect and compare images

1.) By default, TVT will ask you whether to detect Images in your documents when creating a project. 


2.) To manually detect images, you can use the Image Mode from the toolbar. To do so, click on the Image Button in the toolbar and click and draw a frame around the image.




3.) The Image Area is drawn in orange and upon mouse button release, it shows a green border, meaning that it is selected.


4.) Then do the same for other images on both the original and copy documents. For identically formatted documents, right-click on the drawn Image Area and select the “Replicate in Other Document” option from the context menu. It will create the same Image Area in exactly the same location on the other document.

The size of the Image Area can be increased or reduced manually by dragging on its edges.

An Image Area can be deleted by right-clicking on it with and selecting “Delete” from the context menu.

4.) Created Image Areas are instantly visible in the Image List of the Project window.

An Image Area in the original document is called an Image Deletion and an Image Area in the copy is called an Image Insertion.

5.) To compare the images switch to the "Image Comparison View" by selecting "Image Comaprison View" in the context menu of the comment section or by the shortcut "i"


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