TVT Connect (TVTC) - V3 - Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide provides you with the basic instructions necessary to get started with TVT Connect (TVTC).


This quick start guide provides you with the basic instructions necessary to get started with TVT Connect (TVTC). TVTC offers a Swagger™ RESTful API to quickly script your interface to TVT® for local installations and TVT® hosted by Schlafender Hase (TVT Cloud).

TVT® (Text Verification Tool®) is text and graphic proofreading software that saves time and prevents errors, costly misprints and recalls. It easily compares your artwork file to the original manuscript and clearly marks any Text or Image deviations. TVT ensures that only approved content is printed or published. 

TVT Cloud (formerly TVTaaS) is the hosted platform for TVT which offers a web-based browser interface.

Technical User

To access and develop your interface you will receive a technical username and password for the interface. To request your account, please contact These credentials will only be used to communicate between your server application and TVTC and will not be shown to your application users. You will be able to change this password via the Customer API.

Users you forward to TVT Cloud will require a TVT Cloud account to process their files.

TVT Connect Customer API

The API is available at

💁 Your technical username and password will be required to process this API.


Please use the Authorize button to set your technical user and password. The basic authentication header will be set by this. This is required to use the API.


This swagger interface allows you to test and develop your interface directly on the web page. Please refer to the website for technical documentation.


ach method offers a “Try it out” button, so you can quickly test functionality.


This is to demonstrate the normal flow of the interaction with the API:






Upload your files



Set your options and create a job.
Your will receive a JOB ID and forward users to TVT Cloud or local URL handlers.

RunJob?00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for TVT Cloud jobs or

tvt://00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for a local TVT start)



Continuously check the status of the JOB.


NEW: React to the notification event from the registered webhook.

Once the job is finished it will respond “FinishReceiveable



Receive the details and file IDs of the finished job



Download the files by ID



Mark a job as received (cleanup).


Example page

A quick example of code for uploading files and creating a job can be found here:




This example requires your technical username and password.

The page contains very simple code to demonstrate basic functionality (see image below).



TVT Cloud- First User Login

The first time a user logs in to TVT Cloud to start TVT they will be asked to either Detect Citrix Receiver.

For this documentation, we use the Light Version (Use web browser). This is also recommended for all End Users.

Local installation

To start TVT locally your users will receive the local  TVT launcher. This is an executable that is placed in the program folder of the user. For security reasons, we need to enable the user serial number of your customer in our system to access your group. 

Manual Installation

We recommend that you install TVTLauncher.exe alongside TVT.exe in the TVT program directory.

Register local TVT-Launcher

1. Run Command Shell as Administrator 

manual installation

2. Confirm the TVT path by clicking Install.

The launcher will register automatically.

Change password

Connect to the WebAPI URL ( and select Change Password.


Please enter your username and password to create a new password. The new password must follow the minimum requirements described in the schema.

Methods and Schemas

The methods and schemas are described in the interface under the section Customer: