How to select the best Project Setting

Explanation of the different Project settings

In the Project Setup window you can change the Project Settings and alter the behavior of TVT to fit your type of documents that will be compared



This is an easy to understand and pragmatic approach to explain the different project settings


Cartons -> Any type of text against a carton, packaging or label

Cartons (without Clones) -> Carton, packaging or label against another carton, packaging or label

Cartons QRD Human -> EMA Document against Carton Human Medicine

Cartons QRD Veterinary -> EMA Document against Carton Veterinary Medicine

Documents -> for text files with repeated text blocks

Documents (Complex Languages) -> for text files with repeated text blocks in complex languages

Documents (without hyphenation check) -> for text files with repeated text blocks without hyphenation check

Fachinformation -> to compare the German Fachinformation

Gebrauchsinformation -> to compare the German Gebrauchsinformation

Leaflets -> standard setting for text files that works on most of the documents

Leaflets (Complex Languages) -> to compare text files with complex languages

Leaflets with special PDFs -> whenever the visualization of your PDF is not as expected, try this setting


You can find further explanations for each setting if you click on the "Change Button" in the Project Setup window




If you need more information on the different project settings please contact our support team under: