How to work with "Warnings" in the deviation list.

While working with TVT, you might come across differences called "Warnings" in the deviation list.

Once you run a comparison, the Project Area will display all deviations detected. 

Figure 1

Warnings are deviations that are detected by TVT, such as spacing warnings, changes from a small square to bullet points, from one type of quotation marks to another type of quotation marks. Changes from small to big caps or between letters that look similar to the eye but are not the same are also warnings.

Processing warnings before processing deviations

We recommend processing warnings first, before processing any other deviations.

  1. Open the Warning Settings from the Wizard Toolbar in the upper right corner under    "Check -> Check Warning Settings".
    Figure 2

    The Warning Settings window will pop up. The warnings with the highest repetition rate will be displayed on top.
    Figure 3

  2. Next, double click the warnings you want to process. The Character Warning Details window will show up.
    Figure 4

  3. Go through the warnings in the details window. 
    To go to the location in the text where a certain warning was detected, select it and press "Show Location", or double click it.
    Figure 5

  4. Once you have verified all warnings, you may uncheck the box if you want to accept the warnings and have them removed from the Deviation list.  Do not uncheck them before verifying.
    Figure 6

    An overview of all warnings removed from the list will appear as "Hidden Warnings" on the report.

The Warning Settings and the Character Warning Details windows are always in the foreground, but can be moved around freely to your preferred position so that they do not overlap the warnings. If needed, the Warning Settings window can be closed, while the Character Warning Details window stays open.