Where can I find TVT's User Manual, Reference Guide and Special Topics?

There might be situations when working with TVT, where you have a question or want to look up something.

User Manual

In this case the integrated User Manual in TVT can come in handy. It is accessible via the Menu Bar under "Help".

The User Manual provides information on how to install the software and sees you through your first project.



Reference Guide

The Reference Guide can also be found in the Menu Bar under Help. It describes all the TVT functions, menus and buttons in detail.



Special Topics

The Special Topics give an in-depth explanation on certain topics and relevant information for administrators and advanced users. 




TVT Help (F1)

All three Help files are always accessible from the Help Menu in TVT, can be opened and, if needed, saved to your computer.

You can also browse and search through all three files at once after selecting "View Help".


The TVT Help window opens:


Of course, you can also always contact our support team at support@sh-p.com.

We are glad to help.