Why is the text in one document highlighted in orange and the other one is not?

Flat or vectorized files without machine-readable text.

After you upload your files to TVT, the software will highlight readable text in orange before comparison.

Figure 1. Files before comparison

As a result, you will be able to see the number of words in each document in the Status bar at the bottom right of TVT. If one of the files is not highlighted in orange before the comparison, you will also see a message in the Status bar stating "Words in copy: 0" (or Words in Original, depending on the case).

Figure 2. Status bar

In cases like this, we recommend preparing both files as Full Page Image Pairs. 


To prepare two files as Full Page Image Pairs, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the "Prepare" Tab in the Wizard toolbar and select "Create Full Page Image Pairs"
    Figure 3

  2. Both files will appear highlighted in yellow.
    Figure 4

  3. Now select "Compare" in the Wizard toolbar and select "Compare Your Files" from the drop-down menu. 
    Figure 5

    A message stating "an insertion mark could not be placed" will appear. This happens because one file has readable text and the other one hasn't. Press OK on the message and shortly after the comparison is completed your files will be ready to be reviewed.

  4. Go to the Project panel. The Images tab will be active and both files will be displayed as an Image Pair.
    Figure 6

  5. Right click on the Image Pair and the row will turn blue. The context menu will appear. Then select "Image Comparison View" from the menu.
    Figure 7

  6. The image comparison window will appear. Now you are ready to compare and review the differences between the files using the Image Comparison View tools.


If there are any more questions, please refer to the User Manual or send your inquiry to:
